Sometimes working out on your own can be very challenging. Having a friend train with you, or working within a group of like minded individuals, can help in keeping training sessions fun and motivating.

In these sessions and classes, you will still get a good deal of personal attention from your trainer, but you and your fellow participants are going through the sessions together and will push each other to try harder and to keep going even when you're tired.

With Buddy Training, you may have a friend, coworker, son, daughter, mom, dad or spouse who wants to get healthy and workout. The two of you together can help in supporting positive habits and growth within your lives. It should be someone who has a similar schedule as you, and someone who is willing to commit to the training regimen.


I've had couples tell me that training together has turned out to be a great opportunity for them to bond and de-stress at the same time. Parents and children have reported the same experiences as well.

Getting through a challenging workout always feels like a great accomplishment for the day, and having someone by your side when you cross that finish line makes you really appreciate what you both have had to endure.