Short on time? Try this...

So here's your scenario...​

You have a full time job and a family and there's just too much going on in your life for you to get enough time to workout. That's incredibly common, but you still can get a workout in the middle of all of that.​

There are plenty of body weight movements that you can do in a home or office environment that are challenging, will get your heart rate up and most importantly, get you moving....​

1). WALKING LUNGE - The Break Down - keeping your hips, knees and toes facing forward at all times, take a nice big step forward and bend both knees at the same time. your back knee should nearly touch the ground and your heel is completely off the floor so that you're balanced on your back toes. your front leg has a 90 degree bend in the knee and your knee is not pushing past your toes. Pressing on the heel of your front foot and the toes of the back foot, straighten out both legs and then take another big step forward. Do at least 10 on each leg, concentrating on your form.​

2). PUSH UPS - The Break Down -​ either from your toes or from your knees, start with both hands directly underneath your shoulders. Your elbows should be facing towards your feet (as oppose to pointing to the side). Pull in your belly button and squeeze your glutes (aka butt). Keeping your body flat like a table, bend your elbows and go as deep as you can without compromising your form (ie, letting your hips slouch forward, or pushing your butt up into the air). Start with 10 repetitions and add more as you get stronger.

3). ​SQUATS - The Break Down - I suggest using a chair or bench that allows you to sit back so that your hips are at the same height or slightly lower than your knees. Start with your feet planted shoulder width apart, toes facing straight ahead or turned out slightly (turning the toes out and pushing your knees out as you squat may help those who have knee issues). Keep your back straight and push your hips back, concentrate on keeping your weight in your heels. Sit back until you touch the chair, then pressing through your heels, squeeze your glutes (aka butt) until you're standing upright, pressing your hips forward. (Do not bow forward as you squat, avoid letting your knees collapse inward, and don't let your low back round out!) Do 15 repetitions.

​4). PLANK - The Break Down - Start out on your belly, on your elbows, and on your toes. Squeeze your glutes (aka you-know-what) and draw in your belly button. Take a deep breath and on the exhale raise your body up so that its a flat table top (aka "plank"), from shoulders all the way down to your heels. Hold and slowly count to 10, repeat 10 times.

​-Do all 4 movements 2-3 times, repeat throughout the day when you have spare time. Spend 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, just DO IT!

Coming up...The Short on Time Cardio Workout!!!​